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Блэйд 3: Троица (2004 ) More at IMDbPro » Blade: Trinity (original title)

Did You Know?

After the car crash that ends the opening chase scene, one of the benches at the bus stop in the background displays a poster with the word "esperanto" on it. Abraham Whistler (Kris Kristofferson ) and the newspaper vendor are speaking in Esperanto, with English subtitles provided. The scene on and in the police headquarters is in both English and Esperanto. The movie watched by Hannibal King when he is recovering from his wounds on the boat is Incubus (1966) with William Shatner. which was shot in Esperanto. The Esperanto League for North America was contacted and asked to provide the necessary translations for the movie.See more »

Continuity: Early in the movie in the interrogation room, a side shot shows Asher with a cigarette in his mouth as he undoes Blade's restraints. In the next shot, the cigarette disappears.See more »

[first lines ]
Hannibal King :In the movies, Dracula wears a cape, and some old English guy always manages to save the day at the last minute with crosses and holy water. But everybody knows the movies are full of shit. The truth is, it started with Blade, and it ended with him. The rest of us were just along for the ride.
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Movie Connections:

Velocity ShiftSee more »

User Reviews

37 out of 65 people found the following review useful.

Doesn't suck or bite, but it's still uneven.. 19 January 2005

While I had some issues with the pacing, plotting and framing of Blade: Trinity, I still thought that this movie was fun to watch. I think the only real problem is that Trinity was slated to be the final film, and writer/director David Goyer seemed to have crammed two movies worth of material into one. I think New Line was a bit hasty in selling this as the final movie and he buckled under the pressure.

There are some neat action scenes, but I would have preferred the Dracula/Blade fight to not have been intercut by Van Wilder's fight with Triple H. There was never any real characterization in the first two Blade movies so don't expect anything here, either. Back story is actually back-seated, with the exception of following up on the opening scene in the first movie.

Blade: Trinity was more fun and humorous than the first two, but it certainly doesn't measure up in quality. We certainly needed more of Blade than Abigail or King.


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